Sunday, June 5, 2011

Waynesboro, VA

I talked with Dave this morning.  He and his hiking buddy Late Start from Chicago were walking through downtown Waynesboro, VA (Mile854) this morning.  It is a hiker-friendly town with lots of services. They had already hiked about 5 miles, eaten a good breakfast and were headed to the Dollar store to get a few things.  He said there are all kind of places along Skyline Drive where they can get a sandwich or something decent to eat. It sounds like their weather has been similar to Maryland, with hot days early in the week.  It seems to have cooled off these past few days.

Late Start is getting a room in Waynesboro for the night, but Dave decided he wants to try to get in another 8 miles yet today.  He is expecting a visit from Little Sam and his mom tomorrow for a few hours.  Hopefully a good lunch and time to catch up with the little guy. They are also taking along a little "Trail Magic" for the hikers and some needed supplies.

He said his cell service wasn't good this past week, but hopefully it will be better now that they are on Skyline Drive. He is getting much closer to home, so we should be able to visit him a little more often.

Thanks again for all the calls and well-wishes for the Torch!  (posted by Jan)

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Richard Bach

1 comment:

  1. MILE 854??? That is awesome! I'm so proud. Glad to hear he is getting closer and you can visit him along the trail. Hopefully now that it's warmer he can ditch some clothes and other warming items.
