Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2nd Day on the Trail

Talked with the hiker around 6 P.M.  They are at the Gooch Mtn. Shelter tonight which is 15.1 miles from Springer.  It is another full house there and the shelter sleeps 14.  There are about 8 other tents set up. He had just had chili to eat for dinner....compliments of Chef Boyardee or one of those guys. He said his traveling companions were jealous and said it smelled good.

He has been hiking with two fellows:  one a retired lawyer from Alabama and the second a younger fellow from Florida.  They all seem to be doing well, but not making the distances they had hoped.  From what we've read, you always start out slow.  They spent last night at Hawk Mtn. Shelter which is at mile 7.8.

They are predicting rain and high winds tomorrow so he's trying to decide whether to stay at the shelter for a "zero" day and be dry, or try to make it to Suches, GA at the 20 mile mark where there is a hostel.  Either way his next stop is Suches where there is a shower, laundry facility and some resupply and free Internet.  So with any luck, we will hear from him within the next couple days.

Sounds like he's lovin' it.  Last night he was nice and toasty!  Said he realized that he had an extra zipper on the bottom of his sleeping bag that was unzipped and that made all the difference in the world.

He really wants to get the weight of his pack down and is getting some helpful hints from other hikers.  He may get a lighter tent at the resupply store and mail his other one home.  No problems with blisters which was a BIG problem when he did his short hike last summer.  Lots of lessons learned!

"Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time."
Steven Wright


  1. Hope you're staying dry today, Dad!

  2. Nice job on the Blog.. Enjoying reading.. Hey Torch, what r the other names of some of the hikers you have met?

  3. Sounds like you're starting out nice and slow, Torch...keep up the good work. We think of you each and every day!

  4. glad you're enjoying the journey bro!
